Dustin Hall |
Our resurgent economy grew at over a 6% pace in the first half of 2021 and is on track for over 5% growth for the year by the time 2021 draws to a close. During the early recovery, we had a hand up from stimulus and policy that saw us through a period of unique challenges. In 2022, the economy may be ready for a handoff, back to a greater emphasis on the individual choices of households and businesses.
Dustin Hall |
Try these morning rituals to get your day off to the right start.
Dustin Hall |
Perform this four-point inspection to help keep your retirement plan’s motor running smoothly. Just like with a car, it’s a good idea to perform some annual maintenance on your retirement plan. Here’s a four-point inspection guide to help you continue to get good mileage out of your plan and ensure it stays reliable on your trip to retirement.
Dustin Hall |
Thinking of retiring early? Here’s what you need to know When you get to a certain age, you may find yourself daydreaming about retiring early, or at least before the “traditional” age of 65. It’s only natural—the COVID-19 pandemic has caused many people to rethink their priorities with regard to personal fulfillment and work/life balance. Perhaps you want the freedom and flexibility to pursue other opportunities and adventures that life has to offer. Or maybe...
During the pandemic, maybe you lost your job. Maybe you were one of the last people left standing on your team and took on the jobs of two or three other people, and you just can’t take it anymore. Maybe you just want to find a job you’re passionate about. Whatever the case, in this near post-pandemic world we’re stepping into, The Wall Street Journal recently reported that people are leaving jobs at the highest...
Primed and Ready to Spend For the past year-and-a-half, scientists raced to develop effective COVID-19 vaccines and governments and companies worked to make vaccines available. Today, seven vaccines are approved in 176 countries. More than 2 billion doses have been administered, and about 14 percent of the world’s population has been vaccinated. It’s a remarkable achievement. 1, 2 The United States is ahead of the global vaccination curve. In early June about 42 percent of...
Life and Finances in a Pandemic World Life as we know it has changed dramatically during 2020. As the coronavirus spread across the United States, cities and states issued shelter-in-place orders to slow the spread of the coronavirus and prevent healthcare facilities from being overwhelmed by critically ill patients. In May, when states started to reopen, Americans began to return to work with eagerness and trepidation. Many were happy to leave isolation and reconnect with...
Dustin Hall |
A Taxing Issue Nobody likes paying taxes. It’s a fact that has helped inspire and alter human behavior throughout history. You don’t have to look far to find ways taxes have affected human decision making. For example, taxes are the reason: Brick size was standardized in Great Britain Ironically, to pay for the war in the American colonies (which started because of taxes), Britain imposed a tax on bricks in 1784. Before the bricks were...